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How to become a casino affiliate.

  1. Choose a domain to target your website keyword and contents. Usually it is best to select a domain with keyword in the url

  2. Do research on the topic of your website. The more you know about the topic you choose the better your website will be.

  3. Choose affiliate programs to join, Not all affiliate programs are created equal. Some will give you a better percentage than others. We suggest you join revenue share programs from our recommended casino affiliate programs. These have been proven to be honest and pay webmasters on time.

  4. To promote the casinos listed on your site, you will want to give information about the casino to get your visitors to click on the links or banners. Some webmasters do casino reviews, or just general promotional information. You might want to do a forum for players, if you do and need a custom forum design and install contact us at custom-forums@gamblingtemplates.com. At this time we do not have free forum layouts.

  5. The casino affiliate programs normal provide you with casino reviews, screen shots and general information about the casino. You will also find information on the actual casino website. Remember to write all contents on your site in your own words to avoid duplicate content penalties by search engines.

  6. The main thing about building a successful website is coming up with your own nitch. Bring fresh contents to your website to keep your visitors coming back.

  7. You can also add rss feeds, blogs ( example: blogger.com, spaces.msn.com ) to your site. For a new domain we also recommend you add a google site map to get it spidered quicker.

  8. After you put all the information on your website you wish to use. You will need to optimize the site. Some tools to help you optimize your website including a metatag generator is located at http://www.gamblingtemplates.com/tools/ We also recommend you visit some sites including webmasterworld.com, seochat.com, and searchenginewatch.com to gain more information on how to optimize your website.

  9. Next you will need to start up a link exchange program of some sort to exchange same related site links. This will help your site gain popularity in the search engine in return increasing your website position. We recommend joining Gambling Pr link exchange program.

  10. If you think this is going to be easy, think again. It takes a lot of time and dedication to be successful. But if you work hard you should succeed.



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